Machine washing masks - experience report

OK so masks were in laundry bags. About ten all in all. Above are four that are made from single layer duchess satin (the type they make wedding dresses from). One layer won't make a good filter, and these masks have unfinished edges meaning they frayed some while in the washing machine on a higher temperature. 

Those that had plain brass nose wire saw that migrate within the seam - another clue that simple wire should not just be sewn in as is. The soft garden wire that I prefer stayed put, so that was good. Dry time was overnight in all cases - just drying on an old fashioned rack for drying clothes.

These masks were all washed with their plastic retainers sewn into them. A test in itself. I think I'm going to change to the removable retainer - and for washing the mask owner should remove the retainers and hand wash them separately. 

If you only had one mask you'd hand wash it I think. Much quicker and less risky to damage.
