Simple mask straps made from cotton sheets

This is for either the vanilla Ragmask, or my satin-linen-plastic-retainer varient: 

Two different straps made from the 400-thread cotton sheet material.  Both made on the sewing machine :

Top one is 1.25", bottom was 1". Each was "sort of" folded into thirds like this then sewn on the machine.

Only with the greater width variant could I do the more pleasing zig-zag stitch

The other side of each:

And versus the recommendation with Ragmask 2.2, I changed the length to 18 inches (46cm), and stitched it on to the mask directly over the pocket for the nose wire - mine uses copper so it won't need to be removed for washing (no rust). Well it can't be removed as I've stitched over the pocket!

With a good nose clip, and this one thicker cord, it is holding on my face. At least me as a casual visitor to supermarkets, etc. Anyone wanting to rely on a cloth mask and be closer to known infected people for extended periods of time, might want the upper strap too.
I walked to Sainsburys (a national supermarket chain in the UK) after making it and shopped for food. It went fine. I didn't have to adjust the mask at all - it wasn't slipping down, but I felt that it could. The seal was good I think. but not as good as it would have been with previous mask versions held on by 2mm elastic and tighter as a consequence. This new mask was comfortable, but being conscious of the fact that it was held in place with a single bow - I was doing less head movements.

Also, I've run out of the satin I bought from a fabric store in Feb (yes, that's now long I've been doing mask experiments), and purchased a satin sheet set (ick!) from Amazon. They arrived yesterday, but the satin is a lot thinner (see other post today for that). That's concerning as my larger plan for satin depended on good satin being available to the masses via this sheets trick. Maybe I have to double it up inside the cotton outer.

Here they are - both alternates stitched to the same ragmask:
