Software and future airborne pandemic warning systems...

Surveillance of viruses and prediction are much closer together than you'd think in the inevitable bot/software future.

1. Not recognizing airborne spread was the WHO's costly mistake. Not making that mistake again, is very important. Article wasn't about that, but could have mentioned it in passing to distance the the opinions presented from the hand-washing experts who steer the C19 pandemic presently.

Peter Collignon likes the message of the article, which should be concerning to Vox!

The guy's against the fact that it's airborne spread :

2. Reduce the size of sequencing labs to camper-van or smaller.

3. For the required scaled operation, remote observe automated bots for ALL sample collection. No humans reaching into mouths with swabs. No humans in the same room if that's inside - go further than MRI, CT, and X-Ray operation does.
4. Given #1, consider sampling exhaled breath from sick humans, sick/dying animals, even roosting animals (somehow).

5. Network all the collection mobile sampling gear to some honest central authority with scaled number crunching and info sharing capability.

6. Get data and software engineers involved in the iterative delivery of all. Get Google/Microsoft to lead that, not the CDC. Follow their lead.

7. Given spread today is many orders faster than in 1918 cos of mass air travel. use software-driven decision making (orders faster still) coupled to tactical actions.

8. Do ALL the ventilation work that's needed - worldwide and now.

9. Remember that physics can beat biology for multiple problems: Application of heat traditionally (cooking makes meat edible for example) and isopropanol spray of bots/equipment (somehow) on return to the micro lab - for the bots hunting zoonotic transfer risk at least.

10. Inside the same programme, roll out smaller and smaller mobile labs. Not Theranos small: fraudsters.

11. Airports at some point: get passengers to exhale into a **greatly** derived lab-attached & networked "Gesundheit II" machine. Ref

12. Tactical actions would include "all travelers in N95 for the next month" and "mandatory 14 day border quarantine for travelers from X, Y and Z"
